Section No. 4

Be paid $100 per pound and

create a new life from your gun.

Be paid $100 per pound and create a new life from your gun. Be paid $100 per pound and create a new life from your gun. Be paid $100 per pound and cre


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Art for Disarmament

Be paid $100 per pound and create a new life from your gun.

Present it for destruction at your local police station with this form completed and enter the world of investment art. One Less Gun has a gun crushing arrangement with numerous Police Departments.

You will be paid $100 per pound in the form of One Less Gun vouchers, the total value of your payment corresponding to the weight of your destroyed weapon.

One Less Gun art vouchers can be redeemed in many contemporary art galleries in countries around the world or in our store.

The One Less Gun store is supported by original works from some of the world’s most iconic artists who will match your donation.


Flourish with Optimism, Live Deliberately

A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth. Even the all-powerful Pointing has no control about the blind texts.